Monday, February 2, 2015

The Boxcar Children

Do you remember reading
The Boxcar Children
as a kid?
 Heather and Dustin had some large
boxes in their garage when I 
went to visit them - so we read 
The Boxcar Children
and made a pretend boxcar.
It was the perfect size for two
little girls.

After making the boxcar we decided
to enjoy a Boxcar Children's lunch
before painting the boxcar.
 The girls put on their paint shirts
and we had a little picnic in that box!
 And then the painting began!
 As simple as this activity was,
it was SO MUCH FUN!
 I did not pack any "old clothes" so
the girls had to paint their own
boxcar all by their-selves.
 They did a great job..... and we started
The Boxcar Children Book #2
but I had to head home before we
finished it. Hopefully, someone
else will finish it so Grace can tell me
what happened next.
And if not..... maybe they will bring the 
book when they come to visit 
this weekend.
I really want to know how the story ends. 
And I sure hope those girls
have fun playing in that box!


  1. Patty, my kids used to have so much fun just playing in huge card board boxes. Children can use their imagination this way. The girls look like they are having a great time, and the red color is just right for this boxcar.

    Have a splendid week.


  2. When our son was little, we made him a "house" out of a fridge box...he loved it so much, he slept in a few nights.....:)
